Waste Water Reclamation
Various Pumping and Lifting Stations
Integrated SCADA System
The integrated SCADA system includes Remote Terminal Units (RTUs) and Interfacing System Gateways to monitor and control various used water pumping stations, odour control facility (OCF) drop shafts, air valve chambers, overflow flap valves, and data from Water Reclamation Plants. It also exchanges operation data with other backend systems such as Geographical Information System (GIS) and Water Management System.
The integrated SCADA system enables the client to better manage used water network operation and resources. It also provides good information for planning and expansion of sewer pipelines to cater for future needs. The System supports redundant control centres, and enable operations from remote office(s).
Raw Water
Various Pumping Stations, Gates and Reservoirs
SCADA System
The SCADA system includes Remote Terminal Units (RTUs) to monitor and control various raw water pumping stations, ponds, reservoirs, dams and tidal gates. It also monitors the energy consumption for the pumps and actuators for the valves and gates.
The SCADA systems enables the client to better manage the raw water collection and reduce spillages. The SCADA system supports redundant control centres and redundant communication media via lease lines and 3G wireless.
Potable Water
Various Waterworks, NEWater Factories and Desalination Plants
Integrated SCADA System
The integrated SCADA system includes Remote Terminal Units (RTUs) and Gateways to monitor and control various potable water pumping and booster stations, Service Reservoirs, Waterworks, Desalination Plants and 3rd party SCADA data from Control Centre. It also exchanges operation data with other backend systems such as water quality monitoring systems, Hydro-modelling system and Water Management System.
The integrated SCADA systems enables the client to better manage the water supply network operation and resources. The system supports redundant control centres and redundant communication media via lease lines and UHF Radio or 3G wireless.